VS Code Error C:\Users\UserName> clcl: The term ‘cl’ is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.



なにもおかしくない VSCodeの起動方法が間違っていた。

clを動かしたければ、VScodeをDeveloper Command Prompt for VS 2019から起動してくださいってことだった。


2,Click * Visual Studio 2019 Developer Command Prompt


** Visual Studio 2019 Developer Command Prompt v16.11.9
** Copyright (c) 2021 Microsoft Corporation

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community>code

4,VSCode > 新しいターミナル

PowerShell 7.2.1
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.

Type ‘help’ to get help.

5,PS C:\Users\furcr> cl
Microsoft(R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.29.30139 for x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

使い方: cl [ オプション… ] ファイル名… [ /link リンク オプション… ]
PS C:\Users\furcr>



Visual Studio 2019 Developer Command Promptをタスクバーにピン止めした。





Visual Studio 2019 Developer Command Promptのリンク先はこんなんなってて

%comspec% /k “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat”


@if NOT "%VSCMD_DEBUG%" GEQ "3" @echo off

@REM If in debug mode, we want to log the environment variable state
@REM prior to VSDevCmd.bat being executed. This is disabled by default
@REM and is enabled by setting [VSCMD_DEBUG] to some value.
if "%VSCMD_DEBUG%" NEQ "" (
        @echo [DEBUG:%~n0] Writing pre-initialization environment to %temp%\dd_vsdevcmd16_preinit_env.log
        set > %temp%\dd_vsdevcmd16_preinit_env.log

@REM Dump the pre-initialization environment if debug level is 2 or greater (detailed or full trace).
if "%VSCMD_DEBUG%" GEQ "2" (
    @echo [DEBUG:%~nx0] --------------------- VS Developer Command Prompt Environment [pre-init] ---------------------
    @echo [DEBUG:%~nx0] --------------------- VS Developer Command Prompt Environment [pre-init] ---------------------

@REM script-local error counter
set __vscmd_vsdevcmd_errcount=0

@REM Parse the command line and set variables needed.
@REM Need to use this variable instead of passing arguments to escape
@REM the /? option, which will otherwise display the help for 'call'.
set "__VSCMD_ARGS_LIST=%*"
call "%~dp0vsdevcmd\core\vsdevcmd_start.bat"

@REM if -? was specified, then help was already printed and we can exit.
if "%VSCMD_ARG_HELP%"=="1" goto :end

@REM Set VisualStudioVersion for compatibility with previous revisions of the
@REM VS Developer Command Prompt.
set "VisualStudioVersion=16.0"

@REM set the version number to ensure the banner/logo can print it.
@REM We set the version number to the general VS Version (e.g. 15.0)
@REM but will attempt to get a more specific build number from
@REM devenv.exe, if that file is found.
set "VSCMD_VER=16.0"
call :get_vscmd_ver
call :print_vscmd_header

if "%VSCMD_DEBUG%" GEQ "2" (
    @echo [DEBUG:%~nx0] -clean_env : %VSCMD_ARG_CLEAN_ENV%
    @echo [DEBUG:%~nx0] -test : %VSCMD_TEST%
    @echo [DEBUG:%~nx0] VS160COMNTOOLS : "%VS160COMNTOOLS%"

@REM Process scripts 'core' and then 'ext in alphabetical order'.
call :process_core
call :process_ext

@rem Normalize common variables with semi-colon separated lists
call :normalize_multipath_variable PATH
call :normalize_multipath_variable INCLUDE
call :normalize_multipath_variable LIB
call :normalize_multipath_variable LIBPATH

goto :end

@REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@REM *****************************************************************
@REM This section processes known scripts under vsdevcmd\core.
@REM These scripts must be explicitly included in this section to be
@REM called.
@REM This section should only contain support for components that
@REM are required by environment scripts (i.e. dependencies). All
@REM leaf node scripts should be placed in vsdevcmd\ext, instead.
@REM *****************************************************************

@REM *** .NET Framework ***
if EXIST "%VS160COMNTOOLS%VsDevCmd\core\dotnet.bat" call :call_script_helper core\dotnet.bat

@REM *** msbuild ***
if EXIST "%VS160COMNTOOLS%VsDevCmd\core\msbuild.bat" call :call_script_helper core\msbuild.bat

@REM *** Windows SDK ***
if EXIST "%VS160COMNTOOLS%VsDevCmd\core\winsdk.bat" call :call_script_helper core\winsdk.bat

exit /B 0

@REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------

if "%VSCMD_ARG_NO_EXT%"=="1" (
    if "%VSCMD_DEBUG%" GEQ "1" @echo [DEBUG:%~nx0] Skipping vsdevcmd\ext scripts since -no_ext was specified
    goto :ext_end

@REM *****************************************************************
@REM This section executes all .bat files found in vsdevcmd\ext.
@REM Any "leaf node" script should be placed in this directory.
@REM A few notes:
@REM * For determinism sake, the scripts are called in alphabetical
@REM   order.
@REM * This section does NOT recursively look in sub-directories
@REM   under vsdevcmd\ext. Sub-directories may be used for
@REM   "implementation detail" scripts called by .bat files in the
@REM   vsdevcmd\ext folder.
@REM *****************************************************************

@REM Iterate through ext scripts
if NOT EXIST "%VS160COMNTOOLS%vsdevcmd\ext\" (
    @echo [ERROR:%~nx0] Cannot find 'ext' folder "%VS160COMNTOOLS%vsdevcmd\ext\"
    set /A __vscmd_vsdevcmd_errcount=__vscmd_vsdevcmd_errcount+1
    goto :ext_end

for /F %%a in ( 'dir "%VS160COMNTOOLS%vsdevcmd\ext\*.bat" /b /a-d-h /on' ) do (
    call :call_script_helper ext\%%a

set __vscmd_dir_cmd_opt=
exit /B 0

@REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------
if NOT EXIST "%VS160COMNTOOLS%vsdevcmd\%1" (
    @echo [ERROR:%~nx0] Script "vsdevcmd\%1" could not be found.
    set /A __vscmd_vsdevcmd_errcount=__vscmd_vsdevcmd_errcount+1
    exit /B 1


if "%VSCMD_DEBUG%" GEQ "1" @echo [DEBUG:%~nx0] calling "%1"
call "%VS160COMNTOOLS%vsdevcmd\%1"


if "%ERRORLEVEL%" NEQ "0" (
    if "%VSCMD_DEBUG%" NEQ "" @echo [ERROR:%1] init:FAILED code:%ERRORLEVEL%

    set /A __vscmd_vsdevcmd_errcount=__vscmd_vsdevcmd_errcount+1
    exit /B 1
) else (
    if "%VSCMD_DEBUG%" GEQ "1" @echo [DEBUG:%1] init:COMPLETE
exit /B 0


@REM VsDevCmd.bat location: Microsoft Visual Studio 16.0\Common7\Tools
@REM get version from VsWhere.exe
@REM fallback to printing default

set __VSCMD_VER=

@REM If vswhere.exe is not found we skip this section as it doesn't effect operation.
if NOT EXIST "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" (
    if "%VSCMD_DEBUG%" GEQ "2" @echo [DEBUG:%~nx0] "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe" not found.
) else (
    set "__vscmd_vswhere_path=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\"

@REM Looking for a line of the form "<semver>+<bld>", so we split the
@REM contents of the line on '+'.
pushd "%__vscmd_vswhere_path%"
for /F "tokens=1,* delims=+" %%A in ('vswhere.exe -property catalog_productSemanticVersion -path "%~dp0%~nx0"') do (
    if "%VSCMD_DEBUG%" GEQ "1" @echo [DEBUG:%~nx0] Found version "%%A"
    set "__VSCMD_VER=%%A"
set __vscmd_vswhere_path=


if "%__VSCMD_VER%" == "" (
    if "%VSCMD_DEBUG%" GEQ "1" @echo [DEBUG:%~nx0] SemanticVersion not found
) else (
    if "%VSCMD_DEBUG%" GEQ "2" @echo [DEBUG:%~nx0] Setting VSCMD_VER="%VSCMD_VER%".
    set "VSCMD_VER=%__VSCMD_VER%"


set __VSCMD_VER=
exit /B 0

@REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@REM Allow other Visual Studio developer shells to override just the shell name in the banner text
    set "__VSCMD_BANNER_SHELL_NAME=Developer Command Prompt"
) else (

@REM Allow other Visual Studio command prompts to override the banner text
) else (

if "%VSCMD_ARG_no_logo%"=="" (
    @echo **********************************************************************
    @echo ** %__VSCMD_BANNER_TEXT%
    @echo ** Copyright ^(c^) 2021 Microsoft Corporation
    @echo **********************************************************************

exit /B 0

@REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------
@REM call :normalize_multipath_variable <variable name>
@REM Removes trailing semi-colons from semi-colon separated list variable
set "__NORMALIZE_VAR=%1"

if "%__NORMALIZE_VAR_CONTENT:~-1%"==";" (


exit /B 0

@REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@REM Send Telemetry if user's VS is opted-in
    if "%VSCMD_DEBUG%" NEQ "" (
        @echo [DEBUG:%~nx0] Sending telemetry
        powershell.exe -NoProfile -Command "& {Import-Module '%~dp0\Microsoft.VisualStudio.DevShell.dll'; Send-VsDevShellTelemetry -NewInstanceType Cmd;}"
    ) else (
        START "" /B powershell.exe -NoProfile -Command "& {if($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 3){Import-Module '%~dp0\Microsoft.VisualStudio.DevShell.dll'; Send-VsDevShellTelemetry -NewInstanceType Cmd; }}" > NUL

@REM Script clean-up of environment variables used to track
@REM command line options and other state that does not need to
@REM persist past the end of the script.
call "%~dp0vsdevcmd\core\vsdevcmd_end.bat"

if "%__vscmd_vsdevcmd_errcount%" NEQ "0" (
    @echo [ERROR:%~nx0] *** VsDevCmd.bat encountered errors. Environment may be incomplete and/or incorrect. ***
    @echo [ERROR:%~nx0] In an uninitialized command prompt, please 'set VSCMD_DEBUG=[value]' and then re-run
    @echo [ERROR:%~nx0] vsdevcmd.bat [args] for additional details.
    @echo [ERROR:%~nx0] Where [value] is:
    @echo [ERROR:%~nx0]    1 : basic debug logging
    @echo [ERROR:%~nx0]    2 : detailed debug logging
    @echo [ERROR:%~nx0]    3 : trace level logging. Redirection of output to a file when using this level is recommended.
    @echo [ERROR:%~nx0] Example: set VSCMD_DEBUG=3
    @echo [ERROR:%~nx0]          vsdevcmd.bat ^> vsdevcmd.trace.txt 2^>^&1
    set __vscmd_vsdevcmd_errcount=
    call :final_log
    exit /B 1
) else (
    if "%VSCMD_TEST%" NEQ "" @echo [TEST:%~nx0] *** VsDevCmd.bat tests are complete. ***

set __vscmd_vsdevcmd_errcount=

@REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------

@REM Dump then environment after execution of vsdevcmd.bat.  This is used
@REM for debugging issues with the developer command prompt.  This logging
@REM is disabled by default and will only be enabled by setting of [VSCMD_DEBUG]
@REM in the environment
if "%VSCMD_DEBUG%" NEQ "" (
    @echo [DEBUG:%~n0] Writing post-execution environment to %temp%\dd_vsdevcmd16_env.log
    set > "%temp%\dd_vsdevcmd16_env.log"

@REM Dump the post-initialization environment if debug level is 2 or greater (detailed or full trace).
if "%VSCMD_DEBUG%" GEQ "2" (
    @echo [DEBUG:%~nx0] --------------------- VS Developer Command Prompt Environment [post-init] ---------------------
    @echo [DEBUG:%~nx0] --------------------- VS Developer Command Prompt Environment [post-init] ---------------------

exit /B 0


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